Crown – Sahasrara

  This chakra is responsible for the reflection and conscious life. It represents the culmination of all the chakras and reflects their condition.    

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Third Eye – Ajna

This chakra is responsible for sight and its clarity, development, as well as good mood, insight, vision and intuition.  

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Throat – Vishuddha

  This chakra refers to vibration, self-expression through voice and other, unrestrained forms of expression. Promotes an open attitude to express your opinion, listen to your inner voice. This chakra is connected with the second chakra and also refers to creativity, although in the higher forms.    

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Heart – Anahata

This chakra refers to a sense of connection, union, community, balance, individual development, love for oneself and others. In the body, it refers to the organs, in external life to the union with people, other beings and environment.  

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Solar Plexus – Manipura

This chakra refers to the fire. Agni – the digestive fire, is the base of well-being. This fire may be too intensely ignited or may be subdued, causing the deposition of toxins and the feeling of weakness of the body, apathy, lack of vitality. The internal fire leads to the goal, drives the willpower, allows […]

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Sacral Chakra – Suadistana

This chakra refers to the aspect of free flow and the right to feel. It is associated with the sphere of purification and pleasure. The second chakra is the centre of sexuality and creativity, creation and emotions.  

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Root Chakra – Muladhara

This chakra refers to the foundation, the base, to the spine. It gives physical and mental support, reliability and stability. In everyday life, it can manifest itself in a sense of security, relations with the mother, rooting, the right to be and enjoy (not to be confused with devastation and abuse) the gifts of this […]

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