Saddle pose



targets the quadriceps and maybe a mild stimulation of the Rectus Abdominis especially with the arms above the head. Compression of the lumbar depending of the feet placement.


targets the Spleen-Stomach channels.


this pose can either challenge you mentally by increasing mental activity or soothe your mind. It will fluctuate between those two aspects.


Any knee, ankle or back injury need to be looked after, proceed with caution if any of those joints are sensitive.


Saddle is considered as one of the most challenging pose in the yin repertoire. The main target area are the quads but some students will feel a compression in the lumbar spine too.

Make adjustment so there is no stress on the knees, rolling a blanket and placing it behind the knee before going back might help.

In case of a lot of tightness in the quads you can use a bolster to support the upper body before going down.

In case of strong compression in the lumbar, resting the upper body on a bolster can help too.

Ankle discomfort can be relieved by placing a rolled blanket at the front of the ankle so you can rest the joint on it.



Three to five minutes.


Reaching out with one arm to the opposite side, let the torso roll onto the floor and let the whole body follow so you can release your legs and your spine on the mat.

If you have been using a bolster and that does not feel comfortable to release that way, come back onto the elbows, then on your hands to push your body back up and fold back into child pose.


Explore both options either by sitting in between your feet to increase the stimulation on the quadriceps, or sit on your heels to create a deeper back bend. Bear in mind one of those option will feel more natural, according to either external or internal femoral rotation.