Yin Yoga is a set of asanas, body poses that can be compared to the action of a laser tool reaching such deep layers in the body as fascia, joints, ligaments and bones. Oftentimes you can find encoded information in them, imprinted through our life experiences.

Yin Yoga offers a dozen or so relatively simple poses – also known from other types of yoga – in which we can stay from 2 to 20 minutes, depending on the level of advancement of the practice as well as one’s needs. The main assumption of work with the fascia is to release the tension in the body, and in the long run – to change the movement patterns stored in the cellular memory.

Meditation, work with intentions, change of thinking patterns, and even psychotherapy, may not bring the desired effects, if not combined with the bodywork at a deeper level than the muscles. All physical exercises are good for well-being, because they release endorphins and improve the mood, but the figure-sculpting work can even perpetuate improper matrices, both in the physical body and in the thinking patterns.

Yin Yoga is based on the classic yoga of The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, in which 16 sitting poses were listed. Yin Yoga combines what scientists and practitioners now know about working with the body with the Eastern knowledge of the energy channels and their impact on individual internal organs.